

Building unit of living organisms 2022/2023

“The building unit of living organisms “
The human body consists of systems , each system consists of organs , each organ consists of tissues , each tissue consists of Cells

School Broadcast 2022/2023

Secondary Stage

Today, we students of Secondary Stage, would like to invite you to share us our ideas about our school project for this year, “Modern Technology”. To start with, let me tell you that the impact of technology in our lives today is immeasurable. 

We use technology every day, in order to achieve specific tasks or needs.

As technology advances us into a more innovative world, it is declining us as a society as well.

Albert Einstein once said, “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction .The world will have a generation of idiots.”

Radio scolaire 2022/2023

Le 8 mars ,c’est  la fête des femmes .  En fait, la femme a un rôle important dans la vie .

C’est la source de la tendresse et l’affection et elle donne un goût spécial à la vie .

Les  élèves  de 4 ème primaire ont remercié toutes les femmes ou les filles qui jouent un grand rôle dans leur vie

إذاعة دروس الحياة والقيم 2022/2023

 إن تنمية الرحمة والحكمة ومساعدة المحتاجين هو المعني الحقيقي للحياة

أمتعكم الله بالصحة  والعافية وبث في نفوسكم الطمأنينة وملأ قلوبكم بالسعادة وايامكم بالراحة وأعمالكم بالمحبة


Light up the world 2022/2023

Light up the world
Shooting Stars Dramatic Team

The life of Mr.Thomas Edison teaches us so many things. It shows us how to stand for ourselves and be proactive even during the darkest times.
It teaches us not to lose faith and to try again and again because there is always hope. There is always light at the end of the road.
The life of Mr. Edison shows us the massive role of the mother and the family to support and encourage their Kids and that we should be grateful to have them in our life.Never underestimate anyone as every one has his own intelligence and power.