

English broadcast (Women's day )2023/2024

With the adapt of the eighth of March every year , heats celebrate. 
We all stand in appreciating and respecting women's efforts and gratitude to the mother, sister , wife and daughter. 
It'sWith the adapt of the eighth of March every year , heats celebrate. 
We all stand in appreciating and respecting women's efforts and gratitude to the mother, sister, wife and daughter. 
It's an international women's day. an international women's day.

Les enfants de paix 2023/2024

Les élèves de 4 primaire .

les enfants de paix seront plus tard les mamans de demain et aiment bien vous donner des conseils pour vivre positivement

Les occasions 2023/2024

Il y aura beaucoup d' occasions pendant ce semèstre:
Le mois de Ramadan
La fête
Les pâques et le jour de Cham El Nessim
Et finalement les vacances.