
Honoring the Storytelling Competitors 2021/2022

Today the school principal Sister Leila along with the English supervisor the representative of the directorate of education,Mr Mohamed Yehia Hagag, are rewarding the participants in Storytelling Competition held in March, 30th for their outstanding performance.

MS Maryam Sami the activity principal was also honored with a certificate for her excellence in non- curricular activities.

تقدير و عرفان 2021/2022

من يحصد يجني الثمار وها هي ثمرة حصاد  عمل متواصل وجهد دؤوب من القائمة على نشاط المكتبة فهنيئا بجائزة مستحقة لشخص يستحق ومدرسة تشجع دوما على الارتقاء العلمي و الفكري