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The English Broadcasting (Goodwill Ambassadors) 2021/2022

In today's broadcast, students shed the light on some prominent figures who have been chosen as Goodwill Ambassadors to help improve the lives of people in Egypt.

They also displayed the desired traits to be a student ambassador.

إذاعة مادة العلوم (عش بصحة) 2021/2022

منحنا الله نعمة عظيمة ، بل أهم وأعظم نعمة في الحياة ، إنها نعمة الصحة فهي الثروة الحقيقية وليس قطعة من الذهب الفضة .

وحرصاً علي صحة وسلامة طالباتنا العزيزات ، كان شعار الصف السادس

" صحتك خير ليك وللغير " .

Radio scolaire, classe de 4 ème B (2021/2022)

Le printemps est arrivé

Comme un papillon léger

Il a décoré les fleurs

De ravissantes couleurs

C'est la chanson du printemps

Passe passera le temps

C'est la chanson du printemps

Qui est le cœur content

Happy Teacher's Day 2021/2022

When people remember individuals who have helped them ,Teachers are often at the top of the list.

Teachers shine a light ahead to places that students can't yet see: a place where students find their unique talents and use them.

As we gather here today to celebrate the occasion of Teacher’s day and express our gratitude,

We (Students of College de la Sainte famille) Would like to think every teacher.

Thank you for guiding us, inspiring us and making us what we are today!

Radio scolaire de la langue française 2021/2022

On ne peut pas vivre sans amour.

Pour cela, les élèves de la Sainte Famille ont partagé avec vous la Saint Valentin♥️

Radio scolaire 2021/2022

ces jours -ci ,on fête noël on dit à tout ie monde joyeux noäl

اذاعة اللغة العربية (اليوم العالمى للغة الضاد) 2021/2022

كالبحر فى الإتساع ، كالمحيط فى العمق ،كاللآلئ فى الصفاء......

إنها لغتنا العربية (لغة الضاد) و التى نحتفل بها فى الثامنه عشر من ديسمبر من كل عام.

The English Broadcasting for class 2c 2021/2022

Our aim is to make Ss familiar to the daily life language of native speakers

To learn wisdoms 

"Better be silent than speak ill"

To know how to say the rhyme .


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